Our services

Curated therapies for every need.

Eastern Wisdom, Modern Wellness

Discover a world of therapeutic practices at our clinic. From the precision of acupuncture to the ancient art of Gua Sha, we offer a wide variety of Chinese medicine and healing techniques.

Acupuncture / Dry Needling

  • Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of ultra-fine needles into specific points on the body. This technique aims to balance the body's energy flow, known as "qi" or "chi," and can address a variety of ailments, from pain relief to promoting general well-being. By targeting these precise acupuncture points, we can help stimulate your body's natural healing processes and restore its energetic harmony.

  • Dry Needling, often termed as Trigger Point Needling, is a therapeutic approach that borrows elements from traditional acupuncture while maintaining a distinct focus on musculoskeletal concerns. Rooted in modern Western anatomical and neurophysiological principles, this method involves inserting fine needles directly into myofascial trigger points. These are taut bands or knots within the muscle fibers, often responsible for pain and functional limitations. By targeting these specific points, Dry Needling seeks to alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve mobility, offering a complementary approach to traditional physiotherapy techniques.

  • When you opt for Traditional Acupuncture, Dr Oliphant will first assess your body's energy pathways or meridians. Gentle needle insertions at specific acupoints will help channel the flow of qi (chi), promoting balance and well-being. You may feel a light sensation or warmth as the body responds, cultivating a sense of deep relaxation.

    Dry Needling, while similar to standard acupuncture, involves the targeting of tight muscle knots, known as myofascial trigger points, that often cause localized pain. The sensation here might be a brief muscle twitch, followed by relief, as these knots are released.


  • Cupping is an age-old therapeutic method, with roots in various ancient cultures, where special cups are placed on the skin to create suction. This technique is believed to promote the flow of "qi" or vital energy, stimulate blood circulation, and help in relieving muscle tension. By drawing tissues into the cup, it facilitates the removal of toxins and promotes internal healing. The resulting red marks, which can resemble bruises, are temporary and indicative of the therapeutic process.

  • During a cupping session, Dr. Oliphant begins with a consultation to gauge your needs. In a tranquil setting, the skin is first prepped, often with oils, to aid the movement of cups. The cups are then suctioned onto the skin, creating a vacuum. They might be left stationary or moved gently across the skin, a technique known as gliding cupping. While the sensation is unique and can be intense for some, many describe it as relieving and even invigorating.

Gua Sha

  • Gua Sha is a traditional East Asian therapy that involves scraping the skin with a smooth-edged instrument, usually made of stone, bone, or horn. This technique aims to enhance blood circulation, release stagnant energy, and promote metabolic processes. By applying controlled, even pressure while scraping, it aids in the elimination of toxins, reduces inflammation, and stimulates healing. The treatment often leaves behind distinctive reddish marks, called 'sha', which fade over time and are considered a sign of the body's detoxification process.

  • During a Gua Sha session, Dr. Oliphant will discuss with you your goals and area of focus. The skin is then prepped with therapeutic oils to facilitate smooth movement of the Gua Sha tool. Following the natural contours of your body, the tool is methodically and gently scraped over the skin, usually on the back, neck, or limbs. The sensation is unique: while some describe it as a gentle, soothing friction, others feel a deep release in areas of tension.


  • Moxibustion is a traditional therapeutic method rooted in East Asian medicine that revolves around the targeted application of heat using ignited dried mugwort, known as "moxa". This heat therapy works on the principle of warming and invigorating the blood and qi (vital energy) within the body. When moxa is burned close to specific acupoints or regions of the body, it penetrates deep into the channels, dispelling cold and dampness, aiding in blood circulation, and promoting the free flow of qi. The resultant warmth and herbal properties of the moxa contribute to holistic wellness by alleviating pain, enhancing vitality, and balancing the internal systems.

  • During a Moxibustion session, Dr. Oliphant will start by assessing the your condition and determining the appropriate areas for treatment. The skin is prepped, ensuring it's clean and dry. Moxa can be used in various forms: direct (cone-shaped on the skin), indirect (held above the skin or on top of an acupuncture needle), or in a stick form, resembling a cigar, which is hovered over the area. The sensation experienced is a pleasant, penetrating warmth that deeply permeates the muscles and tissues.

Tui Na

  • Tui Na is an integral component of traditional Chinese medicine, offering a hands-on bodywork approach that merges rhythmic compression, acupressure, and other techniques derived from ancient Chinese practices. Rooted in the same foundational principles as acupuncture, Tui Na focuses on the pathways of energy in the body, aiming to clear blockages, stimulate circulation, and harmonize the yin and yang energies. By manipulating and pressing distinct points on the body, practitioners foster qi (life force energy) flow, alleviate pain, and facilitate recovery, ensuring the body and mind are in balance.

  • When embarking on a Tui Na session, Dr. Oliphant will begin with a brief consultation to gauge your state of health and pinpoint areas needing attention. After preparing the skin, ensuring it's free from obstructions and oils, he will employ a combination of kneading, tapping, and pressing techniques tailored to your needs. As the treatment progresses, you will experience a deep-seated sense of relaxation paired with the invigorating release of tension from your muscles and joints.


  • E-Stim Acupuncture, also known as Electroacupuncture, is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of acupuncture, fusing traditional principles with contemporary technology. At its core, this technique employs the insertion of fine acupuncture needles, which are then connected to a device that produces safe, continuous electric pulses. This gentle electrical stimulation serves to enhance the effects of traditional acupuncture, aiming to alleviate pain, stimulate tissue healing, and promote the optimal flow of qi (life force energy). The fusion of manual skill and technology accentuates the therapeutic benefits, often resulting in accelerated relief and recovery.

  • Dr. Oliphant will begin with a thorough assessment of your health concerns and treatment goals. Once the appropriate acupoints are identified, slender needles are precisely inserted. After ensuring your comfort, the needles are connected to the e-stim device, where the intensity and frequency of the electric pulses are adjusted to suit your specific needs. Throughout the treatment, a subtle tingling sensation or mild rhythmic pulsing might be felt, which most patients describe as intriguing and soothing. With Dr. Oliphant's expert guidance, E-Stim Acupuncture provides a harmonizing experience that bridges the best of tradition and innovation.

Qi Gong

  • Qi Gong, a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, is a holistic discipline that combines rhythmic movement, focused breathing, and concentrated awareness. Deeply rooted in ancient practices, Qi Gong literally translates to "energy work," emphasizing the cultivation and balance of the life force energy, or qi, that flows within us. Practitioners engage in gentle exercises that merge the mind, body, and spirit, aiming to harness inner harmony, enhance vitality, and fortify the body's natural healing abilities. The fluid movements and deep breaths of Qi Gong not only aid in the maintenance of physical health but also promote mental clarity and emotional equilibrium.

  • Before beginning a Qi Gong session, Dr. Oliphant will discuss with you your goals and any specific areas of focus. The session can begin in-studio, or in the nearby park, allowing you to ground yourself and center your thoughts. Guided by Dr. Oliphant, you will move through a specific series of movements and/or breathing techniques designed to harmonize and optimize your body’s qi flow. Many describe the sensation during Qi Gong as a gentle wave of peace and energy, flowing seamlessly from breath to breath.